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    Sunday 26 July 2020

    11 Types Of Pimples On Face

    What is your age? Are you a teenager or an adolescent? With changing hormones in your body while you grow up, your body shows so many changes and it may even show up in the form of pimples or acne.
    There could be many types of pimples on face and this is based on
    the reason behind the pimple formation.
    Below I’m explaining few types of these; this may help you recognize yours.
    Note that I haven't added images for few conditions because looking at them can scare you off.
    No kidding. I seriously wish no body gets them.
    1. Blackheads:

    Blackheads are very commonly seen on the nose and nasal area which look like tiny black lumps on the face. They form due to blocked follicles. When the bacteria, harmful substances and dead skin cells clog the follicles, blackheads form. What could be the reason behind the color?
    These react with the oxygen in the air and turn black.
    2. Whiteheads:

    These are white bumps on the face which consist of sebum released from oil glands.
    When these glands produce oil excessively, it clogs pores.
    A layer of skin tops the sebum due to which it cannot reach the surface and as a result
    looks like white bumps.
    3. Papules:

    Papules are another type of pimples or acne which are inflamed and look like
    small red bumps on the skin.
    The may not be sensitive but can’t be picked as this may result in scarring.
    4. Pustules:

    Pustules are also inflamed type of acne or pimples which you can’t touch.
    These are usually filled with pus and look like white bumps; the center is usually pale yellow.
    You can’t pick them since these can lead to permanent scarring and damage to skin.
    5. Nodules:

    Nodules are usually larger than papules and pustules and are severe types of pimples or acne.
    This can be a painful and inflamed bump which lack pus. You cannot touch and even treat it yourself.
    It needs proper medical treatment.
    6. Cysts:

    A cyst is something that is full of pus and looks big in size.
    It can be painful to touch and may need doctor’s attention.
    7. Acne Fulminans:
    (Warning: It's the extreme case I've ever seen. Please don't Google for image unless
    you REALLY want to see.)
    This type of pimple is usually seen among young men; and accompanies symptoms like fever
    and joint aches. These usually leave scars.
    8. Acne Mechanica:

    Due to excessive heat and friction between your skin, this type of pimple or acne may arise.
    Usually sports people, those who wear helmet, caps, etc. for long hours suffer with this type of pimples.
    9. Acne Rosacea:

    This type of acne is very similar to acne vulgaris that looks like red rash on the face especially on
    the chin and cheeks.
    10. Pyoderma Faciale:
    This type is also very severe and is a combination of pustules and nodules which is commonly seen
    among women of age ranging from 20 to 40.
    11. Acne Conglosbata:
    This can be called as the severest type of pimples one can have and is usually seen among both
    men and women. They look like large lesion on the skin which are usually interconnected
    and affects upper arms, chest, face, thighs and buttocks. This could be a rare type of acne
    but can lead to severe skin damage and scarring.

    So, if you are facing pimples, by now you might have recognized its type.
    Now, I hope you can find out the solution based on this.

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