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    Friday 22 May 2020

    The Importance of CTM Routine

    In real it is your skin not your makeup that defines your real beauty. Makeup is just the add-on to enhance your features and skin. If you do not have healthy skin, no makeup can make you look good. So, treat your skin well and focus on nourishing it. Healthy skin not only reflects your beauty but also speaks up that your hygienic and self conscious person. It is quite important to maintain healthy and clear skin. For this you need to follow a simple CTM formula, that is cleansing, toning and moisturizing your skin every day. It is the strong foundation of your clear and glowing skin.

    Why do you need to do this every day? Why not once in a week or fortnight? You may also be worried that applying a cleanser every day may make your skin dry and over moisturizing might give an extra oily touch to it. Here we share with the detailed importance of CTM routine. Once you understand it then surely you will follow it without any doubt. Read on to find out amazing tips for this routine.


    Cleansing is the first step to healthy skin. For this get a good mild face wash and clean your face regularly with it. You should avoid using soaps as it makes your skin dry and hard. For those who are fond of makeup should use cleansing milk or oil before applying any makeup. This will help to clog in pores. For removing your makeup again you should use a cleanser. Vegetable oil or baby oil are good makeup removers. You simply need to massage your face and then leave it for 3-5 minutes. Then wipe your face with cotton or clean cloth. You will experience clean and soft skin behind but just make sure you don't adopt any wrong cleansing method or mistakes.


    Toning is second important step in this routine. Once you have washed your skin the next step is to tone it. These toners remove residual makeup and also, add hydration to the skin. They help in closing skin pores and prevent pimples on your skin. There are variety of toners available in the market for different kinds of skin. You need to be very careful while choosing your toner. It should not contain alcoholic content as in long run alcohol harms our skin. Try using a herbal or mild toner. Now, you even get face mists that is great replacement of traditional toners. You can simply spray them on your face and massage it with your fingers. Green tea and rose water are great herbal toners. You can replace them with your chemical ones. With regular use of toner you will get great and vibrant skin.


    It is the last step of your skin care routine. Once, you have toned your skin you need to moisturize it with a cream or moisturizer. It will save the moisture loss and create a layer between skin and the outside impurities. You apply moisturizer only on damp skin as it will absorb nicely. Choose a moisturizer according to your skin type. This will help you to maintain healthy skin.

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